Sunday, February 28, 2010

Movie 4 vs the Book

Goblet of Fire was one of my favorite books and the movie was absolutely horrid! I mean where was the creature in the maze? Why did it look like the maze was the thing that made the contestants crazy? Harry getting separated from the the rest of the gang was WRONG. AND where were the house elves!? I Loved Winky! She was so funny and brought some laughter into the story.

I have these questions but they will never get answered unless I met someone from the movie. Doesn't any fan agree that this was the worst film yet? Just so many things were not right. It was bad enough that Prisoner of Azkaban was out of order, and The Oder of the Phoenix was decent, better than the Fourth movie but still. Maybe with any luck the final film will be better, since it is in two parts.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Harry Potter vs, Twilight

Since the Twilight craze everyone is all about Twilight and not so much Harry Potter. I think this is unfair. I mean sure Twilight has a vampire and is a romance, but i mean come on Harry Potter is a whole new world! Sure Edward sounds attractive in the books, but Cedric Digory is not cute at all! He is an ugly Edward. At least Daniel Radcliffe is HOT! Harry Potter has more action to keep you interested, while Twilight just has the UGLY vampire trying to not love a human, who has attempts on her life. Please! Gag me!

I read the Twilight books yes, I think they were good, but now at a point I'm like why!? Harry Potter is way better. Movie wise the actors could not even act in the first Twilight movie and in Harry Potter the actors could act and they were like 12! What is wrong with this picture? Can't make a book a movie when the lead actors can't act or have no on screen chemistry together. The author of Twilight should have fired the director before it the first movie was done. At least with the second movie it was a bit better, but still. Plus what was up with Kristin always blinking all the time? It was like she had turrets or something.

I would rather Harry Potter became big again instead of Twilight, lets bring it back fans!

The Evil Characters

So me and my friend Gabby were talking about the" bad boys" in Harry Potter, since she is in love with Lucius. Personally I don't see his appeal as an attractive man. The whole family ends up becoming scaredy cats as the books come to an end. Draco thinks he is all bad ass, but really he is just a pussy. Draco tries to become the Harry Potter of the dark side, which is kinda funny. I mean how can he pull it off when he is scared of everything??

Lucius thinks he can be the best, but the Dark Lord believes the family is worthless, since he always fails to follow through with the Dark Lords orders. Bellatrix was the only one who could do something right and she got punished because of who she was related to. She was a true villain. When Dobby gets back at Lucius it is well deserved, since he treated Dobby so horrid. Serves him right.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The epilogue to Book 7

To me the epilogue did not answer any of my questions at all. It just gave me more questions. I would have liked to know what happened between those years too, as well as what is happening with them now. Harry is to be the Godfather to Tonks and Lupins son Teddy, but it makes it seem like Teddy did not live with Harry and Ginny. What is up with that?! I mean Teddy should have been living with Harry, and I find it hard to believe that Harry would not let Teddy live with him. Plus Rowling's left Luna and barely talked about Nevile who became important as well. I feel Rowling's could have said more rather than less. Also what is up with the scar thing, am I the only one who took it as Harry had some weird connection with his son? The way she had it written that is how I thought about it, which I thought was weird and a bit creepy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Harry Potter and the Lion King??

The other day some friends and I were talking about the Lion King and Harry Potter, and we came to the conclusion that they are very similar. You have Scar the lion who has had a hard life both in family and it general, who matches no other than Snape. Scar was in love with Serabe Simbas' mother, but Scar did something just like Snape to scare her away from him. They both have to watch their loves be with an other man, granted Snape cannot see Lily no more, but he has Harry to remind him of what happened. I thought it was interesting to make to connection between the two. But the Harry Potter world is more interesting and complex than the Lion King. Anyone have any thoughts on the similarities?