Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The epilogue to Book 7

To me the epilogue did not answer any of my questions at all. It just gave me more questions. I would have liked to know what happened between those years too, as well as what is happening with them now. Harry is to be the Godfather to Tonks and Lupins son Teddy, but it makes it seem like Teddy did not live with Harry and Ginny. What is up with that?! I mean Teddy should have been living with Harry, and I find it hard to believe that Harry would not let Teddy live with him. Plus Rowling's left Luna and barely talked about Nevile who became important as well. I feel Rowling's could have said more rather than less. Also what is up with the scar thing, am I the only one who took it as Harry had some weird connection with his son? The way she had it written that is how I thought about it, which I thought was weird and a bit creepy.

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